The Star-Ledger recently ran an article on a web-based company that runs “virtual” food drives to benefit organizations that feed people who are hungry. Here’s the rub: The company running the enterprise is for-profit, charging retail prices for the food.
Can we afford for people to profit off the plight of the hungry?
People seeking to support anti-hunger efforts efficiently and conveniently should instead send it to a nonprofit food pantry or soup kitchen. Their money goes further that way because nonprofit organizations, such as Elijah’s Promise, purchase needed food at wholesale rates, can spend the money at the food bank, where each dollar can leverage four to fives times more food than retail, and process and freeze farm-fresh produce donated during the summer growing season to use in the winter.
Moreover, donors gets a tax write-off if they send cash to a nonprofit group; it’s harder to document a donation for the IRS if they buy food at a store.
Particularly at this difficult economic time, when more people are hungry, it’s critical that your donations are used efficiently and effectively. Your trusted local charitable organization can do better.
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